CPS/Restaurant Prepaid

Interchange: 1.15% + $0.15 CPS/Restaurant Prepaid is the Visa Interchange Rate for a card present prepaid card transaction at a restaurant merchant location. Change History: Introduced October 2011 Primary Qualifications: Cardholder and card present, signature obtained, single electronic authorization, read & transmit complete magnetic stripe Transaction settled within 1 day of authorization, authorization response data…


CPS Restaurant Debit

Interchange: 1.19% + $0.10 CPS Restaurant Debit is the Visa Interchange rate for base card types in a card present and signature debit transaction. Primary Qualifications: Cardholder and card present, signature obtained, single electronic authorization, read & transmit complete magnetic stripe Transaction settled within 1 day of authorization, authorization response data included in settled transaction.…


CPS Restaurant

CPS/Restaurant Interchange: 1.54% + $0.10 CPS/Restaurant is the Visa Interchange rate for base card types in a card present and signature credit transaction. Primary Qualifications: Cardholder and card present, signature obtained, single electronic authorization, read & transmit complete magnetic stripe Transaction settled within 1 day of authorization, authorization response data included in settled transaction. Sic…


CPS/Key Entered Prepaid

Interchange: 1.75% + $0.20 CPS/Key Entered Prepaid is the Visa Interchange Fee for a card not present prepaid card transaction. Change History: Introduced October 2011 Primary Qualifications: Single electronic authorization, authorization must include Address Verification (AVS), order number, and customer service number Purchase date equal to shipping date and within 7 days of authorization Transaction…


CPS Retail Key Entered Debit

Interchange: 1.65% + $0.15 CPS/Retail Key Entered Debit is Visa’s Interchange rate for base card types in a card present key entered debit transaction. Unregulated debit cards issued by banks with below $10 billion in assets (small banks, credit unions, etc.) will clear at this interchange fee. These sales on these cards are exempt from…


CPS Retail Key Entered

Interchange: 1.80% + $0.10 CPS/Retail Key Entered is Visa’s Interchange rate for base card types in a card present key entered credit transaction. Primary Qualifications: Single electronic authorization, authorization must include Address Verification (AVS) with exact match, order number, and customer service number Purchase date equal to shipping date and within 7 days of authorization…


CPS/Retail Base Prepaid

Interchange: 1.15% + $0.15 CPS/Retail Base Prepaid is the Visa Interchange Rate for a card present prepaid card transaction. Change History: Introduced October 2011 Primary Qualifications: Cardholder and card present, signature obtained, single electronic authorization, merchant name, city, and state included in authorization Read & transmit complete magnetic stripe, transaction settled within 1 day of…


CPS/Retail Debit Regulated

Interchange: 0.05% + $0.22 Regulated Debit Interchange is the Visa Interchange Rate set by the Federal Reserve capping Interchange Fees charged by US credit card issuing banks with over $10 billion in assets. Transaction is on a Visa Debit card issued by a US bank with over $10 billion in assets. Change History: Introduced October…
